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About Us

Highly Mapped Testseries

The institute provides highly mapped testseries related to subject matter with specialised explanations.

Safe and Comfortable

We provide safe and comfortable learning sessions to the students for a focussed study time.

Testseries Under One Umbrella

Providing various testseries under one umbrella is the forte of the institute.

Trusted Content By Best Teacher

Researched study materials by experts is what we excel in, delivered by best of teachers effectively and efficiently.

Price Fits In Your Pocket

Best education and chances to learn for a child in pocket friendly fees is what we aim for.



A reliable platform for comprehensive analysis. Pathshalaa is a companion, a tutor and a warm senior who helps thousand or more learners. We are a lovely shock in training administration, which investigate the learner's advantage and provide them the wings of information. We carry the legacy of providing specially appointed society and a stage to individual learners who want to enhance and hone their insight.